Clean Co-Creation - Discovery Dialogues
Clean Co-Creation - Discovery Dialogues
What is Clean Co-Creation (CCC)?

Clean Co-Creation is a beautiful way to meet someone
This simple process allows two people to exchange and find resonance and common ground on a theme or topic that is of personal relevance to both.

The two participants take turns each asking and answering a set of scripted questions, and hearing the other's answers, in a safe mutual peer-to-peer environment.

What makes the CCC process special is the partners don't respond to what the other says — they just listen
The structure of the questions, and how they flow, enable not-yet-known personal and/or organizational knowledge to naturally and effortlessly emerge.

All it takes is 30 minutes.
And a willingness to be heard, and to hear another.

CCC is built on the principles of Clean Language

Clean Language is a language of questions, filtering out assumptions or preconceptions to give space for open dialogue.

The CCC process has been designed to be used by, and be useful to, anyone with no prior knowledge of Clean Language.

And yet even seasoned expert Clean practitioners can find the 'Discovery Dialogues' process adding to their learning journey adventures.

Free to use and share

In the spirit of David Grove, the founder of Clean Language, Clean Co-Creation is available for anyone to use and benefit from at no cost.

Clean Co-Creation - Discovery Dialogues
Learn More about Clean Co-Creation
  • How did CCC come to be? 
  • How do 'Discovery Dialogues' work?
  • Where and how has it been tested?
  • Who has developed CCC?

Everything you need to know about CCC can be found in a detailed article written by its developers.​

The article can be downloaded HERE (no login required)

Practice 'Do-it-Yourself' Clean Co-Creation

The capabilities and potential of the Clean Co-Creation (CCC) process come to life and only become evident by participating first-hand in a CCC 'Discovery Dialogue' with another person.

​And this is something that can be undertaken by anyone on their own, at any time.

CCC is a facilitation tool that requires no facilitator
The two participants are facilitated by the process itself, as they guide themselves through the action steps of question-asking and question-answering.

First-hand experience of CCC is simple and easy to gain
Just follow the simple-to-follow steps in the one-page Process Guide.
(And of course you will need another person to dialogue with, equally willing to go on a dialogue exploration with you.
for instructions to determine what you're going to talk about.)

The Process Guide is free to download here: 
(no login required)
●  English version

●  Dutch version 

●  German version 

●  French version 

●  Spanish version 

Clean Co-Creation - Discovery Dialogues
Get in Touch

The developers would love to hear of your discoveries and applications of CCC.

You can send reports of your adventures here:

Note: It may take a while to receive a reply, or have your message be acknowledged, as this address is not monitored every day.

Clean Co-Creation
has been developed by:
Madelon Sinnige & Ronald van Oosten of the Netherlands

Clean Co-Creation is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

Clean Co-Creation (CCC) is not professional advice, and is intended and presented for educational purposes only, at the user's own risk.

The developers of CCC and the operators of this website accept no responsibility or liability for any outcomes users may or may not experience, nor for the suitability or compatibility of participants in any CCC sessions or public Discovery Dialogues meetups.